We exist to inform, guide and support the Presbyterian Church of Victoria to engage with issues of public importance.
The Church and Nation Committee is a committee of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria that exists to provide information, recommendations and advice to the peak body of the Church (the General Assembly of Victoria) on issues of public importance.
Our formal 'duties' are set out in the Code Book of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria and include:
reviewing and studying contemporary trends, movements and controversial issues in public life
issuing special guidance on such issues to the church as a whole
sharing the church's position and beliefs on relevant issues with the government and other relevant authorities
- taking appropriate action on behalf of the church on urgent matters of public and Christian concern emerging between meetings of the General Assembly
supporting the Moderator to prepare pastoral letters and public statements other than those authorised by the General Assembly
considering any matter referred to it by the General Assembly.
The Committee formally reports to the General Assembly on its work each year and will, when relevant, make recommendations on action the church should take to respond to contemporary trends or controversial issues.
The Committee's work is predicated on a high view of the Christian Bible, the Reformed heritage of the Presbyterian Church and a belief that Christianity ought to be a clear voice in the public square, for the common good.
To find out more about the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, click here.
OUR Beliefs
We believe in the authority, sufficiency and necessity of God’s revealed Word, the Bible, for all of life.
As an official Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, we believe in the authority, sufficiency and necessity of God’s revealed Word, the Bible, for all of life.
We are committed to the primacy of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the rule of our faith and of our practice. We believe the Bible to be both inerrant in the original autographs and infallible in the teachings it contains for our world and life views.
We earnestly strive to follow Christ and His apostles.
We believe that the best human expression of Scriptural doctrines is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith.
You can find out more information about the doctrine and beliefs of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria here.
OUR team
Rev Chris Duke | Convener
Mr Ben Saunders | Deputy Convener
Mr Ian Waller | Secretary
Rev Michael Jensen
Mrs Jeanette McHardy
Mr Peter Stanton
Mr John Ballantyne